

Sustainable organisations deliver value & impact

The health, economic and social crises of recent times have raised people’s expectations about the role of business in solving global problems. Business activities are being scrutinised like never before.

The “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is illustrative of why it’s extremely important for businesses to prioritise sustainability. An island of plastic twice the size of Texas (approximately 1.6 million square kilometers) is floating in the Pacific Ocean. This plastic harms marine life, and humans end up consuming microplastics in seafood. This plastic would not exist if it weren’t for companies that use it to create and package products.

Now is the time for businesses to become part of the solution, cut down on emissions and waste, and contribute to cultivating a liveable planet.

Brand value

Generation Z is soon to become the next dominant generation and is even more concerned about sustainability than millennials. This is an opportunity for corporate brands to increase their value tremendously by focusing on sustainability, and many of the world’s leading brands are doing just that. Apple has committed to becoming 100% carbon neutral for its products and supply chain by 2030.

Listening to your customer

Nielsen studies show that 66% of consumers would pay more for a product if it came from a sustainable brand, and 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment. There is a changing trend among consumers toward supporting sustainability, and it is only getting stronger. Though sustainability is also about social and economic aspects, environmental concerns lead the thinking.

Attracting the right talent

Being sustainable is important when it comes to attracting talent. Nearly 40% of millennials have taken a job because of the company’s sustainability, and they are even willing to take a pay cut to work at an environmentally responsible company. Not having a sustainability strategy in future, can mean losing out on a lot of good talent.

Uncovering new opportunities

A strong sustainability proposition can help companies tap new markets and expand into existing ones. Organisations that focus on sustainability will be in the best position to get valuable new business opportunities.

In combination with action from governments and other stakeholders, businesses that take action on climate change by adopting green policies, technologies, and strategies for growth could realise a total of $26 trillion in economic benefits.

Sustainability starts here. Who knows where it could lead!


Lower your business’ energy consumption & cut carbon emissions in 4 easy steps

1. Book your free energy audit below

Vista will help you identify small improvements to your building’s energy systems that will make a huge difference to your power bill and emissions.

2. Switch to LED lighting

Compared to fluorescent and incandescent lights, LED lights are up to 80% more efficient, last a lot longer and are brighter. They are also free from toxic elements which lessens the environmental impact upon disposal. Why wouldn’t you?

3. Upgrade your HVAC systems to energy efficient hydrocarbon refrigerant

Your building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) can eat up almost half of your electricity spend, and the costs can continue to pile up if your equipment isn’t equipped with energy efficient hydrocarbon refrigerant.

4. Implement solar power generation

Besides being a cleaner source of power, solar energy is becoming increasingly affordable as the technology improves.


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